Who We Are
To teach, mentor and connect emerging Christian marketplace leaders around the world so they can renew their workplaces and cities for the Gospel.
Poised to be the future changemakers in their industries and cities, these young professionals are looking for godly wisdom and mentorship on how to live out their faith in their careers and community.
A global movement of Christian marketplace leaders using their resources to advance human flourishing and multiply Gospel impact across all sectors of society.
Well-positioned in their own cultures to address local issues of politics, corruption, employment and community development, our network of cohorts and alumni have the potential to create fair-paying jobs, justice-filled industries, life-giving arts, architecture and culture, healthy churches, and self-sustaining global missions that serve the poor - all unique ways to advance human flourishing and multiply Gospel impact where they work and live.
Though from different time zones and communities, each of our lives is viewed in light of the Gospel and everything passes through this filter: our work, our decisions, our integrity, our relationships, our ambition. That in Christ God is reconciling the world to himself and inviting us to join him in this mission anchors our team and orders our loves and allegiances accordingly.
Servant Leaders.
Marketplace Christians are catalysts well-positioned to empower, mentor and serve other people all around us, every day. We believe local professional leaders are well situated to understand and steward resources in their local communities and achieve significant and lasting advancements in their own cultures and contexts - always looking for ways to benefit and empower other people.
Global Bridge Builders.
To achieve greatest impact on behalf of others, we must form global partnerships and alliances across many different countries, organizations, cultures, teams and people groups. We seek to unify, not divide the body of Christ, through the special leadership capabilities God has placed on marketplace Christians. We seek connection across the broader global church and coverage of all corners of the world through a diverse network of trust-based relationships. We seek to represent God with integrity to all people.
The Resource Global Story
In 2015, Resource Global spent a year with frequent visits to Indonesia with the goal of better understanding how to reach this country as it joined the global stage – in both the global economy and the global church. With more than 60% of the population without Gospel witness and an extreme wealth contrasted with devastating poverty, we set out to discover how God could already be moving in this high-stakes country.
What we found surprised us.
We found a small group of young, Christ-following men and women who were primed to be the next business, government and nonprofit leaders in their country. Many of them had left Indonesia to study in the United States and encountered Christ for the first time through local campus ministries and churches. They returned home eager to apply their new and growing faith to their spheres of influence, yet once they returned home, they were often under-resourced spiritually and struggled to put their faith into action. In many cases, their faith was fizzling out, or failed to make the impact it was poised to make.
Yet for us, we saw God uncovering a great opportunity.
What if these individuals were discipled, trained, and equipped to continue boldly in their faith – for the good of their work and the good of their cities?
As Gospel truths were contextualized and applied to their unique opportunities, what difference would this make as they followed Jesus in their workplaces? In their cities? In the world?
So Resource Global began.
Now, we seek out what God is preparing through young professionals in key cities around the world, and we appoint local teams to walk hand-in-hand with these young professionals to provide contextualized opportunities in training, networking and discipleship to pursue their work in a way that is faithful to Christ and effective for the good of their cities. We believe God is doing a new thing through believers in the workplace, and we believe that young, Christ-following professionals are playing a unique role in cultivating their cultures and economies for maximized Gospel impact.

Our Biblical Framework
Invest in the Few, Impact the Multitudes
If we look at the life of Jesus, his primary mission was to disciple twelve individuals to be the future leaders of His Church. Even though he spoke to thousands and reached millions in Scripture, his primary audience was developed in his words and relationship with the disciples. Then, after many years with him, and experiencing the cross and resurrection, Jesus commissioned his disciples to carry on his work of proclaiming the Kingdom of God into Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Jesus sent them. After Pentecost, a small band of 120 became 3,000, and then 3,000 became 5,000, and then 5,000 scattered throughout the nations and became a number unknown to us, but fully known to God.
In the same way, we at Resource Global believe in investing in a small group of leaders and sending them to make a Gospel Impact in their communities, workplaces, and cities around the world. If we start small and sow seeds in good soil, we believe the impact of our young Christian global leaders can be 30-fold, 60-fold, or even 100-fold for the glory of God and His Kingdom.