Resource Global partners with the Center for Faith and Innovation (CFI) at Wheaton College to advance the impact of Christian marketplace leaders worldwide

Groups unite to equip business leaders who see the marketplace as their ministry field

CHICAGO, IL - Resource Global today announces a partnership with the Center for Faith & Innovation (CFI) at Wheaton College to advance the goals of both organizations to equip the next generation of Christian marketplace leaders worldwide to steward their resources to make a positive impact where they work and live. 

The purpose for the Center for Faith and Innovation is to develop Christian marketplace leaders through theology and liberal arts research to create innovative solutions for business. Comprised of students and alumni, business leaders and academicians, experts from the marketplace and ministry, CFI serves as a hub for connection and impact, and is committed to the integration of the marketplace and ministry.

Aligned with this integration, Resource Global identifies emerging Christian marketplace leaders around the world and equips them with Gospel-centered teaching and mentorship so they can clarify their callings and develop a concrete Gospel Action Plan on how they will steward their faith and influence to positively impact society.

In the partnership, Resource Global and CFI will share teaching resources, innovation labs, and will call upon a large body of alumni, marketplace leaders and mentors who are eager to pour into the next generation of Christian professionals. 


“What an exciting opportunity for Resource Global to partner with such an innovative group within one of the world’s most respected Christian liberal arts institutions,” said Tommy Lee, founder and president of Resource Global. “Every day we are reaching more young Christian professionals in global cities like Singapore, Austin and Nairobi who are hungry for godly teaching that helps them figure out “how do I live out my faith in my work?” They wish they had business and life mentors and teachers who have the battle scars and experience to pass on. We put those groups together and can’t wait to work with CFI leaders in this unique collaboration.”


“We are excited to work within the truly global network of Christian leaders and teachers that stretches across the world through Resource Global,” said Hannah Stolze, Executive Director of CFI. “We know the kingdom of God does not end where the marketplace begins, and CFI addresses how our Christian faith informs how we approach particular problems in our work in business, non-profits, and other public spaces. We are excited to see how God uses this collaboration to advance a key part of the body of Christ - the marketplace Christian.”  

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For more information or to get involved, contact Tommy Lee:

About Resource Global 

The mission of Resource Global is to teach, mentor and connect emerging Christian marketplace leaders around the world so they can transform their workplaces and cities for the Gospel. Our vision is to catalyze a global movement of marketplace leaders using their resources to advance human flourishing and multiply Gospel impact across all sectors of society. We seek mentors and supporters who want to change the world by discipling the next generation.

About the Center for Work & Innovation at Wheaton College

The Wheaton Center for Faith & Innovation is a full-service research and training institute at Wheaton College. CFI empowers Christians to pursue their work in the marketplace as an act of discipleship to Jesus Christ. As they do, these innovative leaders and students form meaningful collaborations across boundaries and develop insightful solutions to address our world’s most significant challenges. CFI hosts Innovation Labs and the Integrate podcast among other programs. Learn more at the CFI website.


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